WPTZ NEWS: http://www.wptz.com/news/new-push-to-remove-contaminated-soil-from-park/34873672
7:10-7:30- Speak-outs (2 minutes maximum, may speak no more than once if anyone who has not spoken)
7:30-8:15 - Reports from Elected and Appointed Officials.
8:15-8:45 - Dirt Pile Presentation, Questions, and vote on resolution*.
WPTZ NEWS: http://www.wptz.com/news/new-push-to-remove-contaminated-soil-from-park/34873672
Agenda for August 26, 2015 NPA:
Video Tape: https://www.cctv.org/watch-tv/programs/burlington-ward-4-and-ward-7-npa-meeting-4
Video Tape: https://www.cctv.org/watch-tv/programs/burlington-ward-4-and-ward-7-npa-meeting-4
7:00-7:10 - WELCOME, INTRODUCTIONS, ANNOUNCEMENTS (events, maximum 30 seconds), AGENDA, GROUND RULES.
7:30-8:15 - Reports from Elected and Appointed Officials.
8:15-8:45 - Dirt Pile Presentation, Questions, and vote on resolution*.
- 5 min. - Jesse invited to do presentation.
- 10 min. - Questions for Jesse.
- 15 min. - Presentation and vote on resolution distributed at last meeting.
- Announcement of upcoming meeting(s) on the topic.
8:45-9:00 - North Avenue Corridor Study Committee Report-Back
RESOLUTION: The Ward 4 and 7 NPAs request that the stockpiled soils be removed from Leddy Park. The NPAs recognize that additional testing must first occur before the soils can be removed. To that end, we urge in the strongest possible terms, that the BPRW, the DEC, and the EPA collaborate to ensure that the timeline for testing of the soil is significantly shortened, thus expediting the process for removal of the soil from Leddy Park as soon as possible.

The lower, center portion of the pile clearly shows the runoff that we have documented.
Looking at the current Earth image of the parking lot site, one can clearly see evidence of run off throughout the entire lot below the piles. But runoff is absent from the southern portion of the lot.
Looking at the current Earth image of the parking lot site, one can clearly see evidence of run off throughout the entire lot below the piles. But runoff is absent from the southern portion of the lot.
Nate Wildfire, CEDO Brownfields Manager
"There’s only two ways to deal with really contaminated brownfields," Wildfire said. “Cover it, and don’t let anybody dig it in for a really long time, or haul it away.”The Pile
Thanks to all that cared .Although the pile in Leddy should not be there . Thanks to the special few the pile is covered with black plastic , staw bales around the bottom. Even thought it is not a place for that stuff to be there it might stop some from our lake.Just think how much would have made it to the lake if we did not care . Because they didn't. We need more people to stand up for what we think is right even if they don't. This post was by George
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Residents report more dirt being brought to Leddy Park. Councilors asked to inquire about that. Soil should have been tested BEFORE it was moved.
FPF: Dirt in Leddy
Although I can follow the logic put forward for storing the dirt in Leddy, I would like to hear a plan for removing it with a real time frame. I've heard that the City might be allowed to mix it into asphalt or concrete. I find this very unlikely, but either way it should not take long to determine if this is realistic. The signs say the dirt will be removed in 2015. What is the plan and when will it happen?
More Contaminated Soil at Leddy Park?

I spend a ton of time in Leddy Park riding my bike, walking my dog, hiking the trails, swimming and watching amazing evening soccer matches between people from as far away as Africa, Nepal, and Europe. It is an outdoor enthusiasts playground located just outside our back doors. Lately on my walks I've reflected on the history of the land, the park and on how grateful I am to have this resource a few blocks from my home. It means a lot to me. Like anything that means a lot to me I want to help care for it.
The city of Burlington acquired Leddy Park in the 70’s. Originally, it was named “Wabanaki,” which means “thanksgiving” in the Abenaki language. It was assumed that the Abenaki people frequented this land during the 1700’s. However, it was soon renamed after one of the commissioners that played a major role in acquiring the land, Judge Bernard J. Leddy.
On my morning walks this summer I've also been reflecting on the increasing pressures Leddy Park is facing as a direct result of urban intensification and development projects taking place in other parts of Burlington. Leddy Park is currently the "temporary" home to four contaminated piles of dirt and debris excavated directly from the Moran area. While many people are enjoying cocktails, fundraising events and Kathy Montstream's beautiful painting exhibits at (and of) the Moran plant's haunting interiors I and my neighbors are stuck with the former coal gasification plant's contaminated soils. These piles contain polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Banned in the 1970s The International Agency For Research on Cancer now classifies PCBs as no longer "probable carcinogens." They now classify them as known carcinogens.http://monographs.iarc.fr/ENG/Publications/techrep42/TR42-17.pdf
In my conversations around town I've met a lot of folks who knew Judge Leddy very well. They tell me I'd have a lot in common with him: an avid outdoorsman, caring and involved with his community. When I talk with his relatives and read about him on Wikipedia I realize what an incredible man he was. Many people tell me he would be appalled if he knew the parking lot at his park was holding grounds for stockpiled contaminated soils from the Moran area.
In my next post I'm going to discuss how Leddy Park is an ideal spot for even more contaminated soils from the downtown development of Burlington. And why we should care more.