Guests Mayor Kiss, and Alison Nihart and Will Robb, Urban Ag Task Force.
We'll have an update on the Multi-Use Rec Rink location (Leddy Park?), housing at Thayer/DMV, NPA preview of major impact developments, and the NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH program. We will vote on the Internal Controls Checklist Resolution.
Steering committee members have requested updates and
steering Committee will report on the followeing: Scope of Work, recent past and immediate future AUDITS (requested from Cslr. Wright). NPA preview of major impact projects, final draft (requested from Planning Commission, referred to Sandrine Thibault). Update on finishing Miller space (requested from Parks Director Steinbach). Update on Neighborhood Watch, and statement about animal poisonings (requested from Lt. Scott Davidson). Report on Council Resolution to remove party affiliation from mayoral and council elections (requested from Cslrs. Hartnett and Wright). Request a report on TIF before further expansion of the district -- impact on property taxpayers (requested from Mayor).
Proposed: North End Business and Entrepreneurial Coalition.
Mayor Kiss will present update on City Affairs, followed by open mic for questions/comments from residents.
Resolution relating to: INTERNAL CONTROL$ CHECKLI$T
WHEREAS the Internal Controls Checklist is a self-assessment tool that has been compiled by the Vermont State’s Auditor’s Office to assist cities and towns in assessing a its internal control environment for accounting and financial reporting, and
WHEREAS the Checklist can provide guidance in implementing controls where weaknesses are perceived, and
WHEREAS a system of internal controls includes all of the policies and procedures needed to provide reasonable assurance that our financial information is reliable, and
WHEREAS a system of internal controls assures taxpayers that financial operations within the City offices are effective and secure, and
WHEREAS a system of internal controls assures taxpayers that the City is complying with applicable laws and regulations, and
WHEREAS the Vermont League of Cities and Towns, and the Vermont State Auditor’s Office, have recommended that cities and towns use the checklist to demonstrate sound financial practices,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Burlington complete the Internal Controls Checklist recommended by the Vermont League of Cities and Towns and the Office of the Vermont State Auditor; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the results be certified by a CPA and released to the public.