All are invited, with special invitations to people who have contributed to our NPA by showing up, presenting informative programs, helping us understand city issues, surveying our opinions, soliciting our input, planning programs and projects, planting gardens and sharing the harvest.
Neighbors will be recognized for contributions to quality of life in the North End, with Open Mic for recognition from the floor. Come praise your neighbors! Celebrate Charlie Auer's 80th birthday, and the rescue of the boathouse.
Watch om Ch17 website:
Burlington Wards 4 & 7 NPA Meeting 08/16/2011
On Display:
Hunt School Garden: Planting layout. Student gardeners and Jessica Hyman.
Starr Farm Dog Park: Volunteer activities. James Key and Dan Cahill.
Staniford Farm project: homes, open space and conserved wetlands. Eric Farrell.
1820 Staniford farmhouse restoration: Appletree Point Historical Society, Tim Prim.
Frog and Toad Infant and Child Care: Tiffany Bergeron, Fr. Giroux, St. Mark's Parish.
Thayer Commons: Senior housing, Cathedral Square, Tim Ashe project manager.
Crosswalk on Staniford Rd: Safety first. Mike Beganyi and John Foss advocate for YIELD signs on Staniford Rd. "It's the LAW!," they say.
Crosswalk on Staniford Rd: Safety first. Mike Beganyi and John Foss advocate for YIELD signs on Staniford Rd. "It's the LAW!," they say.
Neighborhood Planning Assemblies (NPAs) are grassroots, neighborhood organizations that were established in each of Burlington’s seven Wards to encourage citizen participation in City government. Working as neighborhood advocacy groups, NPAs help improve communication between the citizens of Burlington and City government through regular meetings scheduled in each Ward. NPAs are organized, democratic forums where residents can learn about public issues that affect them, and advise the City of their concerns and needs. From YIELD signs to major development projects, NPAs offer us an innovative way to get involved in neighborhood and City issues and make our opinions heard.