~ 7:00 Welcome people at home, Introductions, Announcements, Agenda, Ground Rules.
~ 7:05 Discussion with Elected and Appointed Officials about city issues. (Mayor, Councilors, Legislators, Commissioners, Board Members, Steering Committee sub-committee, etc.) Facilitator will ask all who wish to speak to come forward, and divvy up the available time. Residents may comment, ask questions.
~ 7:40 Open Forum for Residents - Brief statements of neighborhood/city interest or concern. Questions, comments. (Please come to the mic so all can hear you clearly.)
~ 8:00 PROGRAM: Presentation by Bruce Seifer, Asst. Director for Economic Development, who was among the first set of employees hired by the City of Burlington's Community and Economic Development Office in 1983. The division he supervises is responsible for implementing the City’s economic development policies. Discussion: (1) the [New] North End’s place in the city’s Economic Development Plan; (2) businesses in the [N]NE that EDO has assisted (like Blair Wahler who spent a year working with microB to write his business plan, and Eric Farrell who is developing new commercial space at the DMV property); (3) initiate a small business program for residential child care businesses to achieve certification; and (4) opportunity for EDO staff to hear from residents about businesses they would like to attract to our available space or vacant buildings. ~ 8:50 Reflections: Thoughts/ideas that came up during assembly.