Neighborhood Planning Assemblies
Neighborhood Planning Assemblies (NPAs) are grassroots, neighborhood organizations that were established in each of Burlington's eight Wards to encourage resident participation in City government. Working as neighborhood advocacy groups, Neighborhood Planning Assemblies help improve communication between the residents of Burlington and City government through regular meetings scheduled in each Ward. Read the original Resolution that created NPAs in Burlington here.
NPAs serve as organized, democratic forums where neighbors can learn about public issues that affect them and advise the City of their concerns and needs. NPAs elect steering committees to help advance the interests of neighbors in shaping the agenda and raising community issues. To find out more about joining your local NPA steering committee, visit the specific page of your NPA below and reach out to current steering committee members. NPAs are committed to participation and leadership that represents the diverse, multigenerational character of our community.
From stop signs to major development projects, the NPAs offer you an innovative way to get involved in neighborhood and City infrastructure issues, and make your opinions heard. If you are a developer whose project meets the threshold for Major Impact Review, you will need to visit the NPA of the Ward in which your development is proposed. Contact CEDO to learn more about getting in touch with the appropriate NPA: 865-7144.
NPAs also elect representatives to a resident board that approves neighborhood development grant applications. This program funds projects that reduce poverty and/or revitalize low and moderate income neighborhoods.