
JUNE 15 NPA features discussion of BUDGET, TAXES AND SPENDING

Note: Resolution to dedicate dog license fees to create and maintain dog parks in the city passed unanimously.

AGENDA  June 15, 2010. Miller Center

5:15 Pre-Assembly: Vermonters for Economic Health will present the full power point presentation regarding the state of the economy from a global to local perspective. There will be an abbreviated presentation focusing on local issues as part of the NPA program, followed by open discussion.

6:15 Greetings and Sign-In.   

6:30 Introductions, Announcements, Agenda, Ground Rules.

6:35 NPA Business – May  18, 2010 minutes; Resolution: Starr Farm Dog Park.

6:40 Open Forum for Residents - Brief statements of neighborhood/city interest or concern.

7:10 Discussion with Elected and Appointed Officials about city issues. 

7:40  PROGRAM: VT’ers for Economic Health, Tom Licata. 

8:30 Reflections: Thoughts/ideas that came up during the meeting.

Everyone is welcome to stay for refreshments/conversation with neighbors and guests.