
Taxation Without Representation!

Re: Conservation Board, Development Review Board, Design Advisory Board
Conservation Board -- Ward 5 has SIX residents on the Conservation Board, and Wards 4 and 7 have NONE.
Design Advisory Board -- NO members from Wards 4 or 7.
Development Review Board -- ONE member from Ward 4, Ellie.
We have to do something about this.

We have only one representative on the development review boards, yet we are consistently something like half the voters in the city!
Help! We need representation on these boards, people from the North End who know our neighborhoods, the land and the history, our residents and our goals regarding quality of life. We pay A LOT of taxes out here, and we deserve strong representation on all boards and commissions. Please help achieve this for us.
Ellie Kenworthy is ideal -- she is smart, has lived out here all her life, she puts neighborhood above party, she listens, she reads, and she really cares. We all know hundreds of people like her out here. Please actively recruit good people, and advocate for North End representation on all boards and commissions.
Currently there is an opening for an alternate on the Development Review Board.
Ward 4 NPA Steering Committee