NORTH END Neighborhood Planning Assemblies: Residents of Ward 4 and Ward 7 meet to discuss proposed development and other city issues. There is a public forum at every assembly meeting. Official NPA positions are expressed in resolutions.
May 21 2009 - PROGRAM
Welcome to the Third Thursday Neighborhood Planning Assembly. Here's the MAY program:
~Beth Lemire Jenkins will bring us community awareness of the challenges met by refugees and immigrants who live among us. A group of local residents have learned that a community center that showcases cultural diversity would be a wonderful addition to North End quality of life.
~Also on the program is wind power -- and not the usual rap. This speaker, we're told, thinks it would be a mistake for VT to invest in wind. He is a local small wind installer who lives off the grid. He is pro-wind and pro-solar but anti-industrial. Here's a good article that sums it up:
~Finally, everything you've wanted to ask about fluoride, and your Board of Health and local dentists will be there with the answers. The BoH is opposed to fluoride in public drinking water. Our dentists are very much in favor of it because of the public health benefits. They will inform; you will decide. We'll take a straw vote at the end of the evening.
~And, a bonus -- a quick introduction to Sketch-Up. As the city prepares to revise its Municipal Development Plan, local teams of 3-D modelers will be covering the city, placing neighborhood models in Google Earth! CANCEL -- moved to July meeting.