Testimony at public forum on Mar 24 was overwhelmingly opposed to disc golf in Leddy Park. Two disc golf club members testified for it, attacking Leddy Park neighbors instead of making a strong case FOR disc golf in Leddy Park. Carol Stenburg, ward 4, taped the meeting for Ch17, and when it is available we will post the link here.
The Ward 4/7 Resolution opposing disc golf in Leddy Park was presented to the Working Group, along with a reminder that each rep was instructed to communicate with their NPAs, and with the public via Front Porch Forum. The only reps who met with their NPAs were both reps from ward 4 (Pat Kearney, Joanne Hunt), and one rep from ward 7 (Greg Jenkins). Thanks to Pat, Joanne and Greg for representing us so faithfully.

LEDDY PARK DISC GOLF WORKING GROUP: Lisa Coven (Parks staff), Pat Kearney (ward 4), Matt Hogg (ward 4), Harry Wendt (ward 3), Greg Jenkins (ward 7), Nick Hinge (ward 5), Joanne Hunt (ward 4), Warren Spinner (parks staff), Brendan Bush (B'town Doisk Golf Club, technical advisor). Absent: Dan Herman (ward 7) and Peter Hess (disc golf technical advosor).