Alan Sousie and Greg Jenkins have been busy planning food and prizes -- let's hope someone brings citronella candles because we will need them! Greg has experience preparing and serving large banquets, and he'll be cooking all day to prepare grilled veggies (donated by local gardeners), breads (homemade by Greg), hotdogs and burgers (donated by Bessery's). Jon Flint will be roasting the corn (donated by Paul Mazza). North Ave Mobile has donated beverages, Hannaford's and City Market have also donated. Phoung's Kitchen is preparing hors d'oeuvre, a sampling of her menu items. Neighbors in Wards 4 and 7 are invited to come, and if you want to bring something, salads and desserts are welcome!
Highlight of the evening will be awards given to good neighbors, and we'll be handing out the noisemakers at the door. Local merchants have donated prizes -- we'll be cheering for them, too. The theme is "Eat and Buy Local," encouraging people to drive less, eat locally grown foods, and shop close to home to reduce gas use and carbon emissions. Many people who have been nominated for awards are doing this now. Others are just great neighbors: helping out when needed (loaning a ladder), tracking development issues (organizing neighborhood watchdog groups), creating neighborhood events (yard sales and block parties), and looking for ways to improve quality of life in our neighborhoods (working with the city to build a sidewalk). We'll be posting photos of award winners and prize donors on our Noisemakers website: click here to see last year's line up. This year we have over 50 nominations!